Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Industrial Relations Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Industrial Relations - Article Example In simple terms industrial relationships can be called multidisciplinary field that refers to the employment relationship. Sometimes it is also named employment relationship because of the negligible importance of non industrial employment relationship. But to consider it just as labor relations is an oversimplification because it has much more to it. Technically speaking Industrial relations defined in business terms as â€Å"Employer – employee relationships covered specifically under collective bargaining and industrial relations law.†... hnically speaking Industrial relations defined in business terms as â€Å"Employer – employee relationships covered specifically under collective bargaining and industrial relations law.†Industrial relations not an outdated topic There are a number of researchers who assume that Industrial relations study has become obsolete and proposed closure of UK’s most study centers on the subject as (Darlington1 (ed.) (2009). They believe that academic industrial relations are obsolete and are no more required. It has been replaced and dealt better in newer subjects such as HRM, Human resource management and OB organizational behavior. These subjects deal with the human factor while industrial relations study focuses on the collective approach. Collective institutions and processes (trade unions, strike and collective bargaining. Three aspects of employment relationship Those who believe in industrial relation perspective identified three important aspects. They are as un der. (Trevor Colling, 2010) Indeterminacy Inequality of employment relationship Dynamism Indeterminacy Indeterminacy in the sense, that unlike other contracts it does not involve physical exchange of goods and services for money. But the contract is made on the basis of the capacity to perform and produce the desirable and the potential to purchase those goods services. In the labor contract a worker or employee only sells his ability to work which is intangible which can only be materialized when the actual work is done and the worker is involved in the production process. A gap can exist between the perceived, expectation standard of performance and the actual one. Inequality of employment relationship Inequality exists in the relationship between the employee and employer. An employee is not usually in
Monday, October 28, 2019
Art & Literature Have No Place in the Modern World Essay Example for Free
Art Literature Have No Place in the Modern World Essay Creating and expressing ones self through various media, such as art and literature, has been a desire of mankind since the beginning of time. Art form and literature has been used to express mankinds deepest observations, most profound thinking and firmest beliefs; it encompasses many genres such as paintings,drama, poetry and novels. While both the physical arts and literature are a form of self-expression, each also represents a profession. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become. This adage is perhaps the most appropriate description of the importance of literature in our lives. As Amy Lowell quotes, ’Art is the desire of a man to express himself, to record the reactions of his personality to the world he lives in. ’ When we look around us, we see a lot of things that relate to art.. , contain art.. , are art.. and shows art.. Art is everywhere because people need to use it for daily uses. Art can come in the form of many things, including posters, murals, portraits, covers, paintings and more. This is enough to show how art and literature are blended into our lives. Music, paintings, sculptures, epics, fictions, movies, stories†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. and so on and so forth are all a part of us. Is there a home in this modern world without a painting on the wall or a deck which doesn’t hum their favourite tune or a rack with Fredrick Forsyth or James Hadley Chase novels? Even a child of this generation has his ears plugged all the time either listening to a soulful raga or a foot tapping Michael Jackson and reading either a religious book or a comic or an encyclopedia†¦. this is the common usage of art and literature. Art can also be used to liven up things in this world. It may not have a specific idea or meaning but it can be used to make things look better and more complete. When you write a project, it looks dull just with words, but when you add a picture or two to it, it looks much better because now there is visual aid. Art is found everywhere, including parks, school, malls,homes†¦ and is used just to make the place more comfortable and appealing to the eye. It can sometimes act as filler because it looks better than to just leave something on its own. It is through reading great literary and poetic works, that one understands life. They help a person take a closer look at the different facets of life. In many ways, it can change ones perspective towards life. Lives of brilliant achievers and individuals who have made a valuable contribution to society, are sketched in their biographies. These works give the readers an insight into the lives of these eminent people and sometimes help people change for the good. Friends, don’t you agree that Art and literature are great tools for learning. They can be found almost everywhere where there is a school. They are important because of what they can be used for. It is fun and acts as an interactive tool for learners who learn to appreciate art and literature for what it can do for them. In the process, people can learn a lot. Sometimes, art and writing go hand in hand. Art and literature serves as an enormous information base. Many people depend on art and literature. People who draw and write are not the only people who use and make money out of it. People who are book publishers, magazine editors, newspaper people, painters, actors all need to use art to supplement their work. Art and literature are used by some people directly andsome indirectly. People can choose to make a profession out of this because it is fun for them; it is something that they like to do, and more. Hence I strongly believe that we had art and literature in our blood since ages and is still used and appreciated by us in different forms in the modern world. There is not even a single person in this room who doesn’t love music or reading!
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Egypt :: essays research papers
Egypt The majority of people have various ways of viewing cultures. Because of close-mindedness and lack of cultural education, people have a difficult time interacting with different societies. I feel that people shouldn't stereotype because this might lead to misjudgment. For example, I have personally experienced this type of stereotyping of my Egyptian culture. Although people view Egypt as a plain desert with camel riders, my experience from living there shows Egypt to be a developing civilized country with a great history . People think about Egypt in this manner because of the media. The news primarily exposes the uncivilized parts of the country. For instance, the well known news broad-casting channel CNN showed the circumcising of a young girl on the television screen. This is a harsh way to introduce a culture to people. Often, CNN shows cases of the Egyptian desert with camel riders. This narrow perspective influences the society's view of our culture. Another example is an article in the National Geographic magazine about Egypt (written by Peter Throux in April 1993). The writer described the country as smoggy, dirty, over-populated and with traffic problems. The article introduced Egypt as a superstitious culture which was graphically proven in a picture shown in the article. This picture showed the head of a woman with the body of a snake. This picture gives the reader the impression that Egyptians believe in black magic. Whenever the media introduce a culture, they should mention all the positive and the negative aspects of that specific culture. For instance, whenever you watch a program about the United States of America back home, you see only sky-scrapers and big luxurious cities. This doesn't portray the entire United States. In reality, Egypt is a mixture of well educated and uneducated people. I have lived there for many years and from experience, I think it's an interesting country. Egypt has the Nile River which supports the cities around it with water and green areas. In Egypt, the government encourages the people to move away from the cities and start agricultural communities with great facilities. This encouragement helps provide more agricultural areas and more jobs for the Egyptian people. This enrichment has stabilized the currency for six years and has also improved the growth of the national income. In Egypt, there are the "pyramids" which are symbols of the Egyptian pride. Temples, churches and mosques show a great art of design. These buildings are not just constructions, they are decorations and a history for all generations. This history has motivated the Egyptians to continue their modern progresses. It has also influenced the Egyptian traditions.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Love in the Family Essay
Giving your children unconditional love and support is the best gift you can give; it will lead them to self confidence and a strong parent child relationship. Love, sounds simple right? Well today, many parents are too worried about school grades, drug usage, and their own personal problems that they are forgetting to give there children the love and support they need. Depression in teenagers is at all time high and when children have bad relationships with their parents, they may feel that they are alone. So just like The Beatles said, â€Å"all you need is love†for, by giving your children this simple gift, you are ultimately giving self confidence, support, understanding, and a friend. Love can be interpreted in many different ways, but in my opinion, it should consist of support and understanding. Teenagers today are going through many emotional situations such as peer pressure, fitting in, and rejection, they need to have someone who they can talk to, who will understand them, support them, and give them encouragement, what better person then their parents? In the poems Warren Pryor (Nowlan, Alden) and The Average (Auden, W.H.) with out a doubt the parents loved their children, but they did not support or understand them. If they had, then their children would have been comfortable talking to their parents about how they have different dreams, instead they were afraid of their parents. If children are comfortable with their parents and feel their parents love then children will not find the need to rebel and will live their best lives. Parents tend to think that they know what is best for their child solely based on their own desires. Many parents feel they can express their love through presents and money. But in my personal experience no amount of clothes, dolls, play stations, or money can replace the feeling a child feels after a failed test, a fight with a friend, or every day disappointments in life. In The Veldt (Bradbury, 100) the parents’ expressed their love by giving their children everything they wanted. They spent endless amounts of money buying their children anything they desired. Yet, with all these expensive gifts the children hated their parents. What the parents’ did wrong was they did not spend enough time loving their children. All the things that parents were supposed to do with their children, machines did instead. If Wendy and Peter’s parents would have supported and spent quality time with their children I’m sure Wendy and Peter would not has wished their parents’ to be dead. We can learn from this story that you must not express your love through objects but through support and understanding. Many children idolize their parents and what they want more than anything is their parents’ approval. By giving your child your support you are also giving your approval. When children do not have their parents’ approval or support they tend to go to drastic measures to achieve it. The story of The Rocking Horse Winner (Lawrence, 953) is a perfect example of how important a parent’s love truly is. The mother only cared about herself and money. The son knew this and made money for his mother. He worked so hard to fulfill his mother’s wants that he ended up dieing for it. Giving your child your love and approval will prevent this from ever happening. In my own life my parents have always supported me and have always been there for me. Being the average teenage girl, I have had many emotional experiences. There have been many times where I have felt insecure about, my friends, my weight, my grades at school, my future, and endless other things. Having my parents there to support me and to listen as I expressed my feelings helped a lot. Knowing that no matter what I did in my life they would always love me and be there for me makes me feel secure. I know I will never be alone Depression in teenagers is at an all time high. Approximately one out of ten teenagers will suffer from depression. The role parents play in this is not that the parents are responsible, but having a comfortable parent child relationship prevents or helps overcome the depression. This is because teenagers who are depressed often feel they are all alone. According to the Church of Jesus Christ and Latter-Day Saints, â€Å"It is important that teenagers are given the encouragement and support needed to allow themselves to express their feelings.†( If children are not comfortable talking to their parents then they unable to express their feelings and will fell all alone. Sadly, this helps contribute to suicide being the second leading cause death in people aged from 10-24 years old ( In conclusion, children need their parents’ unconditional love and support. Friends come and go but a parent is for life. I truly believe in treat other people the way you want to be treated. And why shouldn’t that apply to your children? Growing up you most likely appreciated the good relationship you had with your mother or father or you resented your parents and wished they understood you better. A parent is their child’s backbone, and if the parent isn’t there to support and understand them, no one will be. So, do your children a favour, make them feel loved and important because that is what will make a good parent child relationship; not expensive gifts, high standards, or lack of discipline, just love.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Levittown Experiment
Levittown project was taken up in the U.S. after the end of Second World War, with the aim of providing mass housing facilities to people in the wake of increasing urbanization and problems of accommodating large population in limited urban area (Friedman. 1995). The first of Levittown apartments were constructed on Long Island, New York and they symbolized the modern trends of urbanization and housing developments (Clapson. 2003). This paper shall study the impact of Levittown project on trends of further urbanization and analyze the aesthetics of design and development involved in it. American urban housing system was not in a very good state at the end of Second World War. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers had started to return back to the mainland, filled with the dream of better and improved life (Baxandall and Ewen, 2000). Euphoric and buoyed by a hard fought and historic win, where U.S had established its military supremacy in the world, these people had great dreams and aspirations to continue in the legacy of that supremacy. This aspiration manifested itself most prominently in their demand for housing infrastructure, built with modern age planning, design, and latest infrastructure: houses that could symbolize U.S’s great power stature and their own triumph in being a part of this transition. Meanwhile the Congress announced special housing loans for returning war veterans where they could get loans on zero down-payment and little mortgage. Suddenly there was a great boom in the demand of urban housing, compared to which the available apartments fell drastically short (Baxandall and Ewen, 2000). Millions of war veterans and citizens were homeless or living in makeshift houses looking expectedly upon government to provide them with affordable houses (Jackson. 1985). However, the strong private construction lobby was pressuring Congress to get out of the housing business, but the past record of private housing industry was patchy and they were not expected to live up to demand of providing millions of houses on affordable prices in a quick time (Baxandall and Ewen, 2000; Clapson. 2003). Abraham Levitt, a prominent builder, understood the importance of providing housing to people of every income range and he responded to the situation by constructing rows of identical four room apartments at Long Island, New York,that were offered to veteran war soldiers for only $60 a month (Jackson. 1985; Clapson. 2003). Levittown, the mass housing facility designed and constructed by Levitts, was vehemently criticized by architects for producing homogenous and suffocating environment and being antithetical to lofted architectural principles (Jackson. 1985). But the critics ignored the fact that, Levitt could not incorporate the lofty and stylist architectural designs that were hallmark of most of Victorian style villas and bungalows and yet produce houses on mass scale, in quick time and provide them for sale at most affordable prices. His aim was to construct the best houses at least cost to provide most economical housing. The fact was that Levitt had successfully fulfilled the demands and dreams of many Americans of owning their own house. Debate, Design and Impact of Levittown To fully appreciate the significance of Levittown, it must be seen in context of the great housing demand of the period 1945-46, the intense effort of private construction giants to force the government to abandon its idea of affordable and mass housing which could seriously jeopardize the corporate game plan of selling expensive houses and flats (Baxandall and Ewen, 2000). There was intense public debate in U.S. around the issue and the corporate construction house tried to discredit mass scale housing by comparing it to slums and hotbed of communism and crime (Jackson. 1985). Despite the well organized and orchestrated campaign against mass housing, public opinion did not waver much, and the expectations for large scale affordable housing remained a public issue (Baxandall and Ewen, 2000). People required housing, and they expected it was their right to get a decent home. High architectural designs and lofted aesthetics meant nothing to them if they resulted in homes that they could look, admire, but could not own. Against this real challenge, Lewitt and Sons took upon themselves to meet the affordable housing demand by assuming equally pragmatic approach. Levitt used special techniques and architectural designs to keep the cost of production at lowest and speed of construction at maximum. He divided entire construction procedure of houses in 26 separate steps that required professional prefabricated components. This approach greatly reduced the construction time. Many of the building components such as nails, concrete blocks, lumber and electrical appliances were procured by Levitt and sons themselves, further minimizing the cost (Friedman. 1995). The method of Levitt was so successful that by 1949 the first 2000 planned houses by Levitt were ready to be sold and occupied .. The first of Levitt apartment constructed on Long Island came to be known as Levittown and although they were described as drab, unimaginative and common by critics, they served their purpose of providing millions of American with their own house (Friedman. 1995). Alfred Levitt recognized his own achievement in describing himself as Henry Ford of American housing industry, where he was producing houses at assembly line speed (Friedman. 1995). Levitt also successfully warded off the criticism of his uniform Cape-Cod style of housing by mixing his next colonies with Cape-Cods, Rancher and Colonial style houses, that ranged from $ 5500 to $ 14500 (Jackson. 1985; Clapson. 2003). Levittown were constructed in New Jersey and Pennsylvania as well, with equal success and revolutionizing effect on community living and development. Although attempts were made to associate them with low class life, and blandness of taste, as the houses took the character of their owners who modified and transformed them, each of them emerged as a singular entity that was precious to their owner. Conclusion The impact of Levit’s design had far reaching effect on construction and design of further mass scale housing projects not only in U.S but in other countries as well. Levitt’s designing innovation and successful efforts to construct affordable housing had given millions of not so well-to-do Americans their first opportunity of realizing a dream, secure their present, and lay the groundwork of building a strong future. Reference Avi Friedman. 1995. The Evolution of Design Characteristics During the Post-Second World War Housing Boom: The Us Experience. Journal of Design History. Volume: 8. Issue: 2. Rosalyn Baxandall and Ewen, Elizabeth. 2000. Picture Windows: How the Suburbs Happened. Basic Books. New York. Kenneth T. Jackson. 1985. Crabgrass Frontier: The Suburbanization of the United States. Oxford University Press. New York. Mark Clapson. 2003. Suburban Century: Social Change and Urban Growth in England and the USA. Berg. New York.  Â
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