Thursday, December 26, 2019
Financial Support for Mens and Womens Athletics Gender...
Introduction Over time, it has been argued that at the intercollegiate level, female athletes are in one way or another more likely to be subjected to some form of discrimination. In this case, discrimination could either be in terms of funding or participation. In regard to funding, the dominant question asked is; should there be any difference in funding between mens and womens athletics? There is an urgent need to address this and many other questions regarding the advancement of financial support to female and male athletics. Financial Support for Mens and Womens Athletics It has been argued in some quarters that the number of men participating in college athletics is much higher than that of women participating in the same. This can in one way or the other be taken to mean that women are less interested in athletics than their male counterparts. In such a case, advancing equal financial support to both men and women athletics could prove illogical and/or ill advised. According to this point of view, financial support should be directed where participation in athletics is much more intense. If indeed more men show a sustained interest in athletics than women, it therefore follows that mens athletics should receive more in dollar funding than womens athletics. Further, major athletic departments in some colleges have in the opinion of Deardorff and Higgs neglected womens athletics under the assumption that womens sports ¦can not make profits and areShow MoreRelatedWomen s Sexual Discrimination At Academic Institutes1503 Words  | 7 Pagesfrom participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance†. The law also prohibits retaliation against an individual who, in good faith, asserts his or her rights under Title IX or other applicable federal laws and state laws prohibiting illegal discrimination. Title IX was established around discrimination based on gender in 1972, and promotes equality between men and women in education. CongressRead MoreTitle Ix And Female Athletes Essay1637 Words  | 7 Pages Title IX is a federal law passed in 1972 guaranteeing girls and women access to equal sports opportunites as boys and men. Ti tle IX in athletics is a very controversial issue that has opened up the world of athletics for millions of women all across the United States. Although it is a win for women athletes, it has created an issue for male athletic programs sufforing from the effects of Title IX. This literary review shows the phenomenon of Title IX and how it affects participation in female sportsRead MoreTaking a Look at Title IX1864 Words  | 7 Pagesthe kitchen and stay at home, but in your heart you are a competitor and have a passion for sports. This is a feeling that many females felt before Title IX; was explicated to give female’s gender equality in sports. Title IX has positively affected women’s sports over the years, but can negatively impact men’s teams, especially within the collegiate field. Title IX has changed budgeting and participation numbers between males and females, while opening up several opportunities for women. I am goingRead MoreNegative Effects of Ti tle Ix1741 Words  | 7 PagesSlowly Killing Men’s Athletics This past June marked the 40th anniversary of Title IX, a United States law stating that no person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. Although the wide spectrum in which Title IX covers includes many educational issues, its application to NCAA athletics has especially beenRead MoreThe Women s Movement For Equality1221 Words  | 5 Pagestimes still do not, receive the same level of respect or opportunities as men. Leading up to the 1960’s, women’s primary physical activities were cheerleading and dancing, while the men’s were more geared towards football and basketball. The women’s movement for equality was in the late 1960’s, during which women finally began to have their voices heard by others. As a result of the powerful women’s movement, the Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 was enacted by President Richard Nixon. ThisRead MoreWomen s Role During The Civil Rights Movement1272 Words  | 6 PagesWomen’s status has changed dramatically over the years in the U.S. When the nation was first established, women had no rights. They were not even considered legal citizens until 1868. Their role was being â€Å"in the home,†also known as cooking, cleaning, etc. They had absolutely no power. Women have fought for everything they have achieved in the past and continue to fight today for gender equality. The 1970s were the main part of the women’s revolution; Title IX was born. Before this was madeRead MoreThe Importance Of Equal Pay, Rights And Opportunity For Women Involved With Sports1629 Words  | 7 Pagesthese figures and statistics show similar disparities in all sports with both women and men. Educating the readers, and providing basic knowledge and understanding in regards to equal pay, rights and opportunities for women involved in sports, athletics and leadership. Hopefully, this awareness should provide a foundation to provide more awareness to this matter and eventually attempt to increase the amount of rights and opportunities for women in sports. Are females who are involved with sportsRead More College Sports - Football Scholarships and Womans Sports Essay1351 Words  | 6 Pages This American sport takes a heavy financial toll in colleges everywhere. Just one in four colleges across America make money on their football team (mostly large division I schools). College teams spend millions of dollars stockpiling athletes and struggle to keep pace with rivals. With college football teams soaking up most of the money for transportation, uniforms, and football equipment, the womens teams are having to deal with cut scholarships and womens sporting events. That money drain isRead MoreThe History of Titile IX Essay4884 Words  | 20 Pagesthe nation. In 1972, Title IX was adopted as the landmark legislation for prohibition of gender discrimination in schools, and was signed into law, by President Richard Nixon, on June 23. This legislation encompasses both academics and athletics. Title IX reads: No person in the U.S. shall, on the basis of sex be excluded from participation in, or denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving federal aid. Since 1972, many attemptsRead MoreTitle Ix Essay1613 Words  | 7 Pageshas accomplished, it brought along different controv ersies with it. The history of Title IX has shown tremendous changes in womens athletics. It has created a whole new revolutionary view and thought on both genders abilities and rights. Title IX has changed programs and athletics for women in the U.S. ever since its establishment. Christine Grant, the womens athletic director at the University of Iowa says: ‘Its clearly the most important thing that has ever happened to women in sports in
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Exercise And Severe Major Depression - 876 Words
Andrew Rud KIN 3982 Research Article Critique Two Schuch, F.B., Vasconcelos-Moreno, M. P., Borowsky, C., Zimmermann, A. B., Rocha, N. S., Fleck, M. P. (2015). Exercise and severe major depression: Effect on symptom severity and quality of life at discharge in an inpatient cohort. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 61(2), 25-32. The objective of the article was to determine if there was an increase benefit to the addition of aerobic exercise to standard care for the treatment of major depressive disorder. The authors examined the effects of aerobic exercise and standard care versus standard care alleviating symptoms of major depressive disorder. The analyzed results revealed aerobic exercise and standard care had a further reduction of symptoms compared to standard care; however, there was no significant difference in remission or response rates between the two groups. The researches concluded that aerobic exercise was a benefit when added to standard care. The background of considering why to further the research on major depressive disorder was clear and informative. The authors defined the limitations of the standard care of current antidepressants and electroconvulsive therapy and expressed the importance of discovering a more effective and safe way of treating major depressive disorder. Given exercise h as been associated with a moderate effect on symptom reduction in major depression, the researchers elected toShow MoreRelatedMost Common Type Of Depression1470 Words  | 6 Pages People with depression are often times suffering from a chemical misbalance in the brain, lacking in either their dopamine or serotonin levels, which in result, leads to people suffering from depression to feel the sadness they do. Depression is a disorder and takes on many different forms. The first and most common type of depression is called major depression, which is considered to be, â€Å"severe symptoms that interfere with your ability to work, sleep, study, eat, and enjoy life. An episode canRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Depression1353 Words  | 6 Pagessometimes without any apparent reason. Depression is more than just a low mood, it s a serious illness that has an impact on both physical and mental health’ (beyondblue, 2014). Depression affects almost everyone once in their life-time. There is more than one type of depression: ‘major depression, chronic depression, and bipolar disorder/manic depression’ (Carson, 2014). ‘Symptoms can range from relatively minor (but still disabling) through to very severe, so it is beneficial to be aware of theRead MoreEssay On Clinical Depression1487 Words  | 6 PagesAmericans suffer from clinical depression each year. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) (2017), 322 million people are affected by depression around the world. Concerning industrialized Western world countries, it remains as the number one psychological disorder affecting its population (WHO, 2017). Most clinicians begin primarily with prescribing either pharmacologic or psychotherapy interventions. With billions of dollars spent in revue on treating depression (Chisholm, Sweeny, and SheehanRead MoreThings that Cause Depression Essay1513 Words  | 7 PagesDepression I chose this topic because I noticed something different about myself and I was always sad, so I wanted to learn about depression. Depression is being sad, blue, unhappy, and miserable or down in the dumps. Depression can be broken into two categories: Major and minor. There are many causes, signs and symptoms, and treatment for depression. There is not an actual cause for depression, but scientists have some assumptions on how depression is caused. Depression can be caused biologicalRead MorePostpartum Depression : Symptoms And Symptoms Essay1544 Words  | 7 Pagespostpartum depression. There are three levels of postpartum depression: baby blues, postpartum depression, and psychosis. Symptoms include feelings of sadness, anxiety, hopelessness, fatigue, and a lack of motivation to do pleasurable things. For women with the second level, the disorder interferes with their ability to function. On the extreme end, psychosis, women experience confusion, hallucinations, paranoia, and thoughts of hurting themselves or their baby. Postpartum depression affects 1 inRead MoreDepression Essay : Depression : The Causes Of Depression893 Words  | 4 PagesDepression Depression affects many people in today’s society for a number of reasons. Depression is a serious disorder, numerous people are affected by it. However, there are places to go that give help that people with depression need. To begin, depression is a disorder that affects a great deal of people. According to Mayo Clinic, â€Å"Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest†(â€Å"Overview,†n.d.). There are many causes to why people have depressionRead MoreMajor Depressive Disorder ( Mdd )1428 Words  | 6 PagesMajor Depressive Disorder is defined as a â€Å"moderate-to-severe mood disorder in which a person experiences only major depressive episodes but no hypomanic, manic, or mixed episodes†(Butcher, Hooley, Mineka, 2014, p. 618). Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is also referred to Major Depression. MDD is also â€Å"characterized by a combination of symptoms that interfere with a person’s ability to work, sleep, study, eat, and enjoy once-pleasurable activities. Major depression is disabling and prevents aRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of The Depression Essay1337 Words  | 6 PagesClinical depression is a disease that affects many people, ranging from children to elderly adults. Depression is a scary word to many and conjures up ugly, stereotypical images of people being sad all the time and wanting to kill themselves. Depression is treatable, but the same method of treatment will not be effective on every patient. Many people suffering from depression question whether they are actually depressed or just having a bad day. Often times, a person who believes they are sufferingRead MoreAlternative Medicines For Complementary And Integrative Health1561 Words  | 7 PagesMental Illness stated that 16 million adults deal with depression each year (â€Å"Mental†). Depression is a common mental health disorder that people can acquire in today’s society. There are many forms of depression that exist ranging from mild to very severe. Some of those forms include major depression, seasonal affective disorder, postpartum depression, psychotic depression, dysthymia, and bipolar disorder . Many individuals with depression try to treat their illness by relying on antidepressantsRead MoreSymptoms of Depression981 Words  | 4 PagesDepression is not only a state of being sad, it is a disease that conquers the ability to feel emotion, whether good or bad, whatsoever. Depression not only involves the mind, it also involves the body and thoughts. Depression is not a disease that only influences males or children of the age three to eleven. Every human being is prone to depression. Although women are three times more likely to become depressed than men, men are five times more likely to commit suicide when depressed than women
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Potential of Psychometric Meta-Analysis †
Question: Discuss about the Potential of Psychometric Meta Analysis. Answer: Introduction: I am constructing this reflection in order to have an understanding of the aims and objectives that would be helpful for me in enhancing my career. The key motive that I have in mind is to bring in all the insights and experiences that I have learned during my MBA Course within the actual life when performing as the Office Manager and the Staff Expert for my company. The incorporation of these knowledge and experience is helpful in developing my professional and performance goals. My personal and the professional goal involves getting my PhD done in order to teach in universities and the personal goal is to leave Kuwait and thereafter migrate to Canada. These goals have been chosen because of the fact that in order to have a much better and developed career it is essential to get a PhD so that I can have extensive knowledge about my genre and thereafter construct plans and policies that would be helpful in bringing in various innovative and significant changes, which would be helpful in improving the human resource practices globally. The second goal is selected as it is my childhood dream to go and settle in Canada and furthermore, there are various universities that are available in Canada who provides the PhD course that I desire to complete. There are numerous universities in Canada who are renowned for offering extensive Human Resource based courses and undertaking a PhD course from these universities would not only fulfil my desire to study in Canada but even have a degree that would be beneficial and development of my career in future. The goals that have been selected are both vital for my future because of the fact that receiving the PhD degree is essential so that I would be able to teach in universities and convey my knowledge and experiences that I have gathered from my MBA course. The sharing of knowledge and the experiences that I have gained from my MBA course to the future aspirants would be develop the future students and they would be able to bring in changes in these experiences according to time in order to create a better and the enhanced human resource practices and plans. The next objective is even important for my career and future development because of the fact that I can complete my PhD from one of the best universities and thereafter start teaching in one of the finest universities in Canada and this would be helpful in fulfilling my dream of settling in Canada. The completion of the PhD would enhance my value as an individual because of the fact that I would be receiving a doctorate degree and would be receiving respect from others. I always wanted to receive the PhD degree and therefore this would fulfil my personal value. On the other hand, after the attainment of PhD I would be eligible to teach in several universities and I even have the option of doing a job, which would be providing me adequate salary and even be helpful in enhancing my career development. The completion of the PhD will be helpful for me in creating and constructing new and innovative plans and policies in order to improve the relationship among the employees within the organization and even assist the management of any organization to undertake precise and effective decisions for the wellbeing of the concerned organization. The goal of migrating to Canada has a personal value associated to it as well as migrating to Canada is a childhood dream of mine and in accordance to Kuwait there are much bigger scope and opportunities for me as there are several renowned universities that are available in Canada. The professional value associated to this goal is that it would be helpful for me in fulfilling my dream of teaching in universities. Furthermore, I even have the scope of doing a job if I require later on in life. Canada is a much more developed country than Kuwait and the career I wish for can be attained only after I migrate to Canada. The initial goal that I have constructed to complete my PhD and teaching in universities would be helpful in sharing my ideas, experiences and knowledge to the young aspirants. The young students are who are aspiring on the same topic are in need of newer ideas and experiences in order to enhance their knowledge base and therefore by sharing my knowledge and the teachings that I have received from my MBA courses would be helpful to the students to gain an idea about how to maintain cordial relationship among the employees and management within an organization, assisting the management in undertaking decisions, satisfying the employees in making them understand why such decisions have been taken and even training the employees in an effective manner in the practical level. The positive and negative experiences that I have faced in my professional and practical life will even be conveyed to the students so that they become aware of these circumstances and do not commit the same mistake s that I have committed. The advent of time brings in newer and innovative ideas and thereby the students would be able to blend the newer ideas with the older ones in order to construct a plan or policy that would be influential in accordance to the future human resource practices. This is how I can act as an agent of positive social change and thereby would be assisting the community, society and organization. The incorporation of positive change is important globally in order to create a better and healthier working environment so that all the employees along with the management would be satisfied on their level and would be able to bring out their optimum level of performance that would be helpful in developing the domestic and the global economy. On the attainment of the goal, I would be able to satisfy my personal value, which is to fulfil my dream and have a much better career and career development. Career development is one of my key desires and being able to complete my PhD would help in developing new ideas and notions on human resource management. Being able to contribute to a better human resource management practice would be an honor for me and spreading the knowledge that I have attained from my MBA course to the aspiring students would be satisfying me internally as I would be happy that have I have been able to help the society. The professional value that I would be receiving after attaining the goal would involve the being able to teach in the university and be able to spread my experiences and knowledge to the students and answer all their queries and grievances so that they would have a strong grip on the subject. I want to become an efficient mentor for my students so that they can come down to me whenever they require. By completing PhD course, I would be able to gain more effective theoretical and practical knowledge on human resource practices and management and by blending the knowledge from my MBA course with the knowledge gathered from the PhD course, I can create a new theory or plan that can bring forth positive changes in human resource management programs. I have the dream of getting my PhD done and migrating to Canada will assist me in completing my PhD from a renowned university and developing my career to the next level, which will not be possible if I remain in Kuwait. The goals are in relation to the resources I have learned in my course as getting my PhD done would mean that I would be able to implement the knowledge on understanding the relationship between the management and the employees in an effective manner and even gain an understanding of the knowledge and the experiences that can be used for the purpose of making new and positive decisions with respect to the human resource management and their practices within an organization and even in the minds of the students. The goal of migrating to Canada is related to gaining knowledge about a new culture and understand the similarities and the differences so that I can undertake a comparison of the culture that is existent in Kuwait and the culture present in Canada. Accordingly, I can create a new plan and policy with the help of which better human resource plans and policies can be constructed. In my MBA course, we have been taught to always strive for gaining new knowledge and ideas so that one can implement the same and create a better working environment. Hence, completing my PhD and even migrating to Canada would be helpful for attaining new ideas, knowledge and experiences. My first goal is to complete my PhD and teach in universities and in order to do the same, I need to apply in various universities and even maintain my last semester result in a manner so that I would be able to meet the cut-off marks for applying for PhD courses. In order to migrate to Canada, I need to apply for visa and even analyze and compare the courses that are offered by the universities in Canada so that I can select the best university for completing my PhD course. The objectives are effective enough in justifying the goals because of the fact that in order to teach in universities, I need to have extensive knowledge about my subject so that I can teach the students properly. By applying for the PhD course initially, I would be able to join the course and thereafter complete the course in an effective manner. I need to apply for the visa after I get selected in a university because if I dont apply for the visa I will not be eligible for going to Canada. The attainment of the goals is according to the lessons learned in the MBA course and thereby would be able to create an effective career for me. Bibliography Albrecht, S. L., Bakker, A. B., Gruman, J. A., Macey, W. H., Saks, A. M. (2015). Employee engagement, human resource management practices and competitive advantage: An integrated approach.Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance,2(1), 7-35. Amarakoon, U., Weerawardena, J., Verreynne, M. L. (2016). Learning capabilities, human resource management innovation and competitive advantage.The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 1-31. Cooke, F. L., Saini, D. S., Wang, J. (2014). Talent management in China and India: A comparison of management perceptions and human resource practices.Journal of World Business,49(2), 225-235. Deery, M., Jago, L. (2015). Revisiting talent management, work-life balance and retention strategies.International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management,27(3), 453-472. Jackson, S. E., Schuler, R. S., Jiang, K. (2014). An aspirational framework for strategic human resource management.The Academy of Management Annals,8(1), 1-56. Kramar, R. (2014). Beyond strategic human resource management: is sustainable human resource management the next approach?.The International Journal of Human Resource Management,25(8), 1069-1089. Nkomo, S., Hoobler, J. M. (2014). A historical perspective on diversity ideologies in the United States: Reflections on human resource management research and practice.Human Resource Management Review,24(3), 245-257. Ones, D. S., Viswesvaran, C., Schmidt, F. L. (2017). Realizing the full potential of psychometric meta-analysis for a cumulative science and practice of human resource management.Human Resource Management Review,27(1), 201-215. Paill, P., Chen, Y., Boiral, O., Jin, J. (2014). The impact of human resource management on environmental performance: An employee-level study.Journal of Business Ethics,121(3), 451-466. Sheehan, M. (2014). Human resource management and performance: Evidence from small and medium-sized firms.International Small Business Journal,32(5), 545-570. Stone, D. L., Deadrick, D. L., Lukaszewski, K. M., Johnson, R. (2015). The influence of technology on the future of human resource management.Human Resource Management Review,25(2), 216-231. Woodrow, C., Guest, D. E. (2014). When good HR gets bad results: Exploring the challenge of HR implementation in the case of workplace bullying.Human Resource Management Journal,24(1), 38-56.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Martins Textile Essay Example
Martins Textile Paper MARTIN’S TEXTILES Summary: This case is about the dilemma facing by John Martin, the CEO of Martin Textiles, a New York based textiles company. On August 2, 1992, which the day that the U. S. , Canada, and Mexico agreed in principle to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Martin Textiles is a family business over four generation, which was started by Johns great-grandfather in 1910. Today, the company employs 1,500 people in three New York facilities. Johns dilemma, which is particularly troublesome to him because he feels a sense of loyalty to his companys longtime employees, is this. NAFTA will remove all tariffs on the trade of textiles between the U. S. , Canada, and Mexico within 10 years. Textiles manufacturing is a low-skilled, labor-intensive business. As a result, the simple economics of the industry suggests that the under the auspices of NAFTA, the majority of textile manufacturing in the U. S. will move to Mexico, where wage rates are considerably lower than in the U. S. When he first realized the full implications of the NAFTA agreement, John thought to himself, My God! Now Im going to have to decide about moving my plants to Mexico. John dilemma is how to cope with this realization. If he moves his plants to Mexico, hell have to let go many of his loyal employees. If he doesnt move, he risks going out of business. Case Discussion Question: 1. What are the economic costs and benefits to Martin’s Textiles of shifting production to Mexico? Answer: The benefit for Martin’s Textiles moving to Mexico is whereby wages rate pay to the labour can be much lower than before and then might lead lower cost of production. We will write a custom essay sample on Martins Textile specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Martins Textile specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Martins Textile specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer It can give chance for Martin’s Textiles to compete with the other business competitor which ran in the same industries. 2. What are the social costs and benefits to Martin’s Textiles of shifting production to Mexico? Anwer: The benefit is Martin’s Textiles may satisfy the needs and maintain the loyalthy by his customers because the company giving low price of product where all his customers may affordable to buy it. 3. Are the economic and social costs and benefits of moving production to mexico independent of each other? Anwer: No, it is dependent to each other. Both economic and social perspective in Martin’s Textiles have the same objectives towards its goals of business. When Martin’s Textile can provide lower cost of products and yet maintain it product’s quality, it might encourage its customers to stay loyal to use and buy its products. 4. What seems to be the most ethical action? Anwer: The most ethical action is where Martin may move to Mexico by bring together his existing young labour at United States. While his loyal labour who have worked with his company for long years can stay with the company that situated in United States which their duty is like in sales force, design function and some management function seem they are already had lots of experience since started working with the company. 5. What would you do if you were John Martin? Anwer: In my opinion, for the sack of maintaining the business of four generation, I would rather moves to Mexico. As one of the characteristic of being a business man is must be brave and being risks taker. So, I would try to run the business in the new environment with the different types of approach in leading the business. In Mexico, the cost of labour is cheaper. I must take that as an opportunity. The cost of product that will be market might be reduced and will attract the customers to buy. When the cost of product is lower, it have the opportunity to compete with other product in the market. Besides, in order to improve the labour productivity in Mexico, I would give bonus to those labour who show the best performance in the company. The bonus will attract the labours to work harder and increase their effort to compete each others where it makes the production of the company growing up. While in United States, to those who already worked with the company in long period, I will asked them to choose either want to work in Mexico or United States. If they choose to work in United States, then they would be in the position of design function and other management duty, not in the production anymore. Besides, as a token of appreciation from the company, those who have worked for long period with the company will be given a compensation.
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