Monday, May 25, 2020
Gun Control And Border Security - 2025 Words
Gun control and border security are two of the major problems Texas is facing these days. According to, â€Å"The Texas Political Project†, immigration is the top most problem Texas is facing today while border security is the second. This leads to an increase in other illegalities like drug trafficking, homicides, mafia wars etc. Premature birth, persistent extermination, and the death penalty are all ambiguous issues in today s general public. Gun control is one of the most convoluted and contentious issues in Texas today. The right to bear arms commenced from the minute men and the American Revolution. The second amendment states: A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. It allows ordinary people to protect themselves and their families from harm. According to statistics, most Americans believe that an average citizen should have the right to own a handgun. However, they also want proper regulation from the government. U.S has a 1,900 miles long border with Mexico of which 1,254 miles exists in Texas. There is a persistent threat of drug smuggling, illegal aliens, violent gangs, and the concomitant rise in violence is no more evident than in the state of Texas. To enter into the United States without permissions is a federal crime. Illegal immigration is an arduous problem to solve and most likely will never be thoroughly solved. Never the less, it is a problem thatShow MoreRelatedDrugs Inc1667 Words  | 7 Pagesthere is a critical need to increase Department of Defense initiatives, in conjunction with the other elements of national power, to develop a decisive anti-drug cartel strategy that will provide security for not only our nation but other nations as well and its citizens at home and abroad. Narcotics, guns and violence, the powerful elements of a never ending war. 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It is important that the U.S. and Mà ©xico work together to continue strengthening their security cooperation. The U.S. and Mà ©xico must work on strengthening Mà ©xico’s judicial procedures, fight corruption, and reform the police forces. Because it is clear that this issue also affects the U.S., it would be beneficial for the U.S. to work on improving its gun laws and increase emphasis on prevention and treatment for drug addicts. Improving Mà ©xico’s rule of law is an importantRead More Mexican Cartel Essay1524 Words  | 7 Pagesalong the U.S.-Mexico border. But it was the American appetite for coc aine in the 1970s that gave Mexican drug cartels immense power to manufacture and transport drugs across the border. Early Mexican gangs were primarily situated in border towns where prostitution, drug use, bootlegging and extortion flourished†(Wagner). They keep themselves armed and ready with gun supplies shipped from the U.S, taking control of the drug trades. 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